This is a decadent tasting fruit dip but is actually healthier than most fruit dips. It's especially delicious with strawberries, or even poured over a...
A quick and easy recipe that has become our favorite for football game day. It is so tasty and is filling too. Low fat cheese works well in this also....
This recipe is a unique take on all the classic vegetable dips. While it looks like a mustard dip, it's really turmeric that gives it the vibrant yellow...
This recipe came from my Aunt Sandy who would always make this tasty dip for family gatherings. It's really addictive! It's so good with raw veggies, crackers,...
Here's an easy, lower-fat version of warm artichoke-cheese dip. In new research, artichoke hearts tested surprisingly high in antioxidant activity -- even...
Want to make friends? Serve fondue and enjoy the festive camaraderie that develops from dipping into and sharing a pot of warm, melted cheese. Traditionally...
An extraordinary dip for an ordinary pretzel. The perfect combination. This is a clone of our favorite raspberry honey/mustard pretzel dip. When the store...
Some ladies I know use to make a pimento cheese spread and sell it at the Augusta National Golf Course during Masters week. The only thing I knew about...
I came up with this recipe after wanting hummus, but not having chickpeas or tahini in the house. This is lemony, creamy, and really good for you! Try...
Broiling the tomatillos gives this salsa a subtly smoky taste. If you are sensitive to spicy food, remove the seeds from the peppers. This salsa is perfect...
Being from New Orleans, and being a true 'Cajun cook' I create a lot of my own recipes simply by experimenting. This dip recipe came to me when I decided...
This is a creamy spread that is cooked. My Aunt Erma Lee was a great cook. Feel free to adjust the sugar to your taste. This is a great spread for sandwiches...
This is a great recipe made from dried garbanzo beans and soy beans. I cook my beans in a pressure cooker for an hour in a half water, half stock solution,...
This hot crab and artichoke dip recipe is the best one around! Very flavorful and a crowd pleaser! Easy to make and mmm good! From a native Marylander...
Cretons are a traditional French Canadian pork spread, similar to a pate, that's usually served on toast for breakfast. Here is a classic version that's...
Better titled as 'Bedroom Brie'! This is our favorite food after the kids have gone to sleep. A wheel of Brie is wrapped in pastry, then topped with pecans...
Zesty chili flavor, sharp Cheddar, and tangy sour cream combine in this blended bean dip that was inspired by the TikTok Boat Dip. This can be served cold...
This is an adaptation of a recipe I found. I made adjustments to eliminate chopping and blending. It makes for an easy, tasty, creamy hummus. Garnish the...
The addition of garlic mushroom soup mix gives this dip some kick! Serve a French baguette, crackers or crostini alongside this steaming dish to give your...
To make this even easier, we set a bowl of the pimiento cheese on a platter with crackers, cherry tomatoes, cut-up veggies, and a spoon, and let guests...
We had this at a local Indian restaurant and tried to replicate it. We all love this version to dip our naan and samosas and rarely is there any sauce...
This delicious dip was sold at a local meat market where I used to live. Since I no longer live in that area, I decided to try and duplicate the taste....
This is a recipe I came up with while trying to figure out what to do with an over-abundance of rhubarb. I'm not fond of sugary, syrupy rhubarb sauces...
I made this recipe to satisfy my craving for fresh salsa. Since I can't eat raw tomatoes, I substituted tomatillos. It worked! Now I can eat yummy salsa...
Always a crowd pleaser and so easy to make. This recipe can be as hot or as mild as you like, depending on which kind of tomatoes you buy. I got this recipe...
Tangy young goat cheese is the base for this savory spread. Combined with sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, and fresh parsley. This simple spread is excellent...
The requests for this family recipe never stop, so here it is for everybody to enjoy. These cheese balls freeze well for months and make wonderful holiday...
Great make-ahead-of-the-game dip! Cheesy (with some surprises), and served with tortilla chips. Keep hot in a slow cooker to last all afternoon and free...